Installation visit Helsinki

Installation visit Helsinki

Installation visit Helsinki Service Engineer Rob Kameny has just completed the installation of a new HS2022 at LUKE (Finland’s Natural Resources Institute) in Helsinki. This is their second HS2022; the expansion is due to the success of their lab, and the second...


The IAEA PUI Scheme Under the PUI scheme (see below) run by the IAEA ( the International Atomic Energy Agency), Sercon has recently supplied an HS2022 with a PyroEarth elemental analyser. The HS2022  is, we believe, the most sensitive small-radius Isotope Ratio Mass...
Successful Audit

Successful Audit

Successful Audit Physically moving a business is about much more than packing up desks and making sure broadband is working at a new office. For a high tech manufacturer like Sercon Instruments, supplies of gases as well as appropriate manufacturing and laboratory...
Lynsey Wheeldon Profile

Lynsey Wheeldon Profile

Lynsey Wheeldon Profile Lab Manager at Sercon Analytical, Lynsey Wheeldon, was always interested in science and nature as a child. Her career aspirations alternated between astronaut, palaeontologist, and vet! She finally settled on Biochemistry as a degree subject as...