Collaboration with British Geological Society

Collaborate. Innovate. Create. Sercon’s core values. Here’s an exciting example of how that translates into the real world – collaborations that make a real scientific impact:

Dr Andi Smith, Stable Isotope Geochemist at the British Geological Survey, gave a talk yesterday at SIMSUG 2024 entitled ‘Modifying the Sercon Cryogas and HS2022 for sequential carbon Isotope Analysis of methane, ethane and propane’, a collaborative development with Sercon’s Senior Field Service & Installation Engineer Dave Harris.

Director Garry Armstrong commented: “It’s great to see the continued collaboration with BGS exploring new and novel applications on the Sercon Cryogas”

The 16th SIMSUG (Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometry User Group) meeting continues tomorrow, hosted by the stable isotope team at the British Geological Survey in Keyworth, Nottingham.