Guidance on Isotopic Testing

The US Customs Border Protection (CBP) last week released updated guidance on isotopic testing, as it looks for more efficient mechanisms for determining the origin of cotton within U.S. textile imports.

The guidance states: “… CBP is enhancing its isotopic testing capabilities at three of its laboratories. As a result of these efforts, CBP will not only be able to conduct more tests, but also obtain results more rapidly. However, even with these additional investments, CBP will have limited testing resources and does not have the capacity to test all U.S imports. This is why CBP continues to encourage the inclusion of private sector testing in importer due diligence programs to help identify and manage risk.”

CBP’s guidance advises importers to choose testing providers that adhere to best practices, such as those outlined by the Forensic Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (FIRMS) Network. Recommended criteria include ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, a robust geographic reference library, and proven proficiency in isotopic analysis. Laboratories should also ensure traceability through a detailed chain of custody for tested samples.

Sercon Instruments supply mass spectrometry equipment and consumables for just this kind of purpose, to private, academic and state testing facilities around the world. There are a number of application notes available to demonstrate capability here, and our team is always available to discuss your needs – just email [email protected]

Find the guidance in full here.