Nanjing Normal University
Late last year, Senior Field Service & Installation Engineer Dave Harris travelled to China to for a CryoPrep installation and to train our agent for future installations.
Chao He from agent Lab Tech, is supporting researchers Meiqi Chen, Liang Ping Wu, and YiGie Liu, among others at Nanjing Normal University, who are working on Nitrification studies using a Sercon INTEGRA2 to measure enriched N2 samples and N2O on a CryoPrep.
There’s often some down time for our engineers when they’re overseas, and Dave managed to fit in a walk along the Nanjing City Wall by Xuanwu Lake and a visit to Jiming Temple, despite the heat.Agent Chao He, who has worked with us at Sercon for many years, also took him out for a great meal.