News from Sercon
Installation visit Helsinki
Installation visit Helsinki Service Engineer Rob Kameny has just completed the installation of a new HS2022 at LUKE (Finland’s Natural Resources Institute) in Helsinki. This is their second HS2022; the expansion is due to the success of their lab, and the second...
New HS2022 Installation at Sercon Analytical
New HS2022 Installation at Sercon Analytical Our engineering team are in the process of installing a new HS2022 in the lab at Sercon Analytical, a division of Sercon Instruments (they didn’t have far to go, as the two companies share office space!). “This is a new...
The IAEA PUI Scheme Under the PUI scheme (see below) run by the IAEA ( the International Atomic Energy Agency), Sercon has recently supplied an HS2022 with a PyroEarth elemental analyser. The HS2022 is, we believe, the most sensitive small-radius Isotope Ratio Mass...
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL use a Sercon laser ablation system as a tool in their tree ring research. The flash lamps in laser ablation systems need...
Service Visit to New Caledonia
Service Visit to New Caledonia Our Systems Engineers travel far and wide for installations as well as regular service visits to our customer base around the world. The southwest Pacific Ocean island of New Caledonia was a recent service and maintenance stop for Rob...
Nanjing Normal University Installation
Nanjing Normal University Late last year, Senior Field Service & Installation Engineer Dave Harris travelled to China to for a CryoPrep installation and to train our agent for future installations. Chao He from agent Lab Tech, is supporting researchers Meiqi Chen,...
Welcoming 2025
Welcoming 2025! Welcome to 2025. For Sercon, the year promises much, building on the successes of a very busy year in 2024. Now established in our new building, specifically refurbished to meet the needs of our growing business, we have the space to not just meet...
Thanks for 2024 – and Happy Christmas!
Thank you for 2004 - and Merry Christmas! We would like to mark the end of December and the approaching end of 2024 with a big “Thank You” to all those we have had the pleasure of working with this year; we look forward to continuing to support you and many more in...
Secrets Unveiled by Notre Dame Fire
Secrets Unveiled by Notre Dame Fire Sometimes opportunities to learn arise from even the biggest of disasters. The 2019 Notre-Dame de Paris fire is a classic example, opening a unique window on the past. Researchers from France, Finland and Canada have been unlocking...
FDA approval for Sercon’s ABCA2
FDA approval for Sercon’s ABCA2 We’ve just received our renewal of FDA approval for Sercon’s ABCA2 automated breath 13CO2 analyser. MD Mark O’Connor is proud of the achievement: “The ABCA2 is the only FDA approved, high performance IRMS instrument with large sample...
AGU 2024
REFLECTIONS ON AGU 2024 Reflecting on what was a great week at AGU in Washington DC. Many Thanks from Garry Armstrong and I to all of the visitors to our booth and our existing partners for their time. It's always extremely beneficial to look back on the year, plan...
Honey Adulteration New EU Rules
Honey Adulteration New EU Rules Since the end of November, third party countries exporting honey and other apiculture products to the EU for human consumption must be registered, and consignments may only enter the bloc if they are despatched from, obtained and/or...
Isotopic Testing Guide
Guidance on Isotopic Testing The US Customs Border Protection (CBP) last week released updated guidance on isotopic testing, as it looks for more efficient mechanisms for determining the origin of cotton within U.S. textile imports. The guidance states: “… CBP is...
University of Houston
University of Houston Our first attempt to install a uCarbs system with verSA and Heated Block for Carbonates analysis at the University of Houston in Texas had to be abandoned earlier this year because of Hurricane Beryl. Engineer James Hanson led the successful...
University of Ghent Installation
University of Ghent Installation Service & Installation Engineer Henry Cooke recently installed a new Sercon HTEA instrument at the University of Ghent, Belgium. Our client, Katja Van Nieuland, from the Isotope Bioscience Laboratory, Department of Green Chemistry,...
University of California, Davis
University of California, Davis All Sercon equipment is upgradable, and on a recent visit to the University of California Davis (UC Davis) Stable Isotope Facility, Engineer James Hanson ran two electronics upgrades on some Hydra 20-20 systems, including a software...
Successful Audit
Successful Audit Physically moving a business is about much more than packing up desks and making sure broadband is working at a new office. For a high tech manufacturer like Sercon Instruments, supplies of gases as well as appropriate manufacturing and laboratory...
See you at AGU?
See You at AGU? Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson are looking forward to catching up with Sercon’s US based clients and other delegates from around the world at AGU24 in Washington D.C. this December. AGU is always an exciting and energising experience, where scientists...
Supporting Young People
Supporting Young People This one is for our local contacts in and around Cheshire and the North East of England. Sercon has long supported the development of young people, with training and apprenticeships, and most recently our engagement with Crewe UTC T-level...
Argentina Installation
Argentina Installation Visit Systems Engineer James Hanson recently worked with Jenck S.A. Instrumental, Sercon’s agent in Argentina, to complete an installation at Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata in Argentina. Once the installations – an HTEA, a CryoPrep, an...
Successful Crewe UTC Visit
Successful Crewe UTC Visit As part of the relationship we are building with Crewe University Technical College (UTC), Sercon hosted a visit by 23 T-Level students from Crewe UTC last week, and is planning to repeat the exercise for the remaining students in the same...
November 24 Sponsorship of the 11th ISI Tokyo
November 24 Sponsorship of the 11th ISI Tokyo Sercon is delighted to be one of the main sponsors of The 11th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI), which will be held at Institute of Science Tokyo, Ookayama Campus (Tokyo Tech.), Japan from Nov 12 to 15,...
Looking forward to Crewe UTC visit
Looking forward to Crewe UTC visit Looking forward to welcoming students from Crewe University Technical College (UTC) for an open day at our new premises in the town tomorrow - we've got some hands on experience lined up for them and plenty of the team on hand to...
𝛅13C in Hair (dog and human) and Fingernail Keratin by LA IRMS
𝛅13C in Hair (dog and human) and Fingernail Keratin by LA IRMS You’ll find plenty of application notes on our new website, including this brand new one: 𝛅13C in Hair (dog and human) and Fingernail Keratin by LA IRMS Measuring 𝛅13C in hair and fingernail keratin helps...
New Website
New Website We are delighted to have launched our new website this week - and welcome! Our new website, launched this week, is a reflection of the many developments that have taken place across the business in the last 12 months. Upgraded content, including a larger...
University of Aarhus
University of Aarhus Service Engineer Dave Harris spent a week in early September at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, working in the Department of Biology, on a training visit with Gunnar Rasmussen, Laboratory Technician, who supports Organic-Geological/Biology...
Training for International Agents
Training for International Agents Sercon’s global presence (see map below) is supported by our carefully selected network of agents, who – together with our team of service engineers – work with our non-UK customers to provide the latest advice, products and...
Installation and Service Peru
The School of Chemistry at Universidad Nacional De San Agustin (UNSA) in Arequipa, Peru hosted a five day installation, service and maintenance visit from Sercon Service Engineer Dave Harris in July. The UNSA team, led by Prof. Juan Lopa and Gina Daza, undertake...
Monaco Service Visit
Systems Engineer Rob Kameny undertook a routine service visit to the Marine Biology department at the Centre Scientifique de Monaco last month. The lab, led by Dr Renaud Grover, runs a Sercon Integra2, and their work aims to understand the effects of climatic...
Moving to Europa House
Most of Sercon's office teams spent part of last week undertaking the move from Crewe Trade Park to Europa House - here's the documentary evidence!
Unlocking Medical Insights with IRMS
Garry Armstrong will be presenting a talk entitled “Unlocking Medical Insights with IRMS: An Introduction to Sercon Systems” at 10am today (26th September) in the Biotechnology Centre at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s 1st International Conference on the Use of...
1st International Conference on the Use of Stable Isotopes in Medical Sciences
Garry Armstrong and Simon Moseley are very much looking forward to attending the inaugural International Conference on the Use of Stable Isotopes in Medical Sciences, to be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison later this week (from 25th to 27th September)....
BFR Berlin
The Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, BfR, (the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) in Berlin recently welcomed Sercon’s systems engineer Rob Kameny, who visited to conduct an annual service on their mass spectrometers. Stephanie Panitz runs several...
ISO Audit, September 2024
ISO Audit, September 2024 Installation and Service Manager Simon Moseley is pleased to report a very boring ISO Audit visit this month! Not that managing quality is boring, obviously, but a quiet visit is always the intention as it means we are, largely, speaking,...
Synlab Belgium
This photo was taken on a recent annual service and maintenance visit undertaken by one of our Service and Installation Engineers Henry Cooke, to SYNLAB Belgium. The ABCA2 and VerSA instruments run by Valery Daubie are operated in the Molecular Biology department,...
Europa House Preview
As we prepare to move into Sercon's new HQ, Europa House in Crewe, have a look at this quick video tour!
University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana
University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana Service engineer Dave Harris recently found himself at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. This time, his work was at the Center for Environmental Science and Technology, where he worked with Stable...
Diagnostic Centre Bled
Diagnostic Centre, Bled In a recent two day visit to the medical testing operation run by Diagnostic Centre, Bled, based in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, Service and Installation Engineer Henry Cooke worked on ABCA2 and VerSA instruments, which are under the management of...
IGC 2024
IGC 2024 The 37th International Geological Congress 2024 is fast approaching, and Sercon will be represented by our highly respected agent in South Korea, Saram International Co Ltd. June Yoo (tag) and his team will be at Saram’s stand (booth 44) from August 25-31,...
Canadian Customer Training Visit
Canadian Customer Training Visit Lecturer and Head of the Marine Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Quebec at Rimouski, Mathieu Babin, has been spending last week and this with the engineering team at...
Goldschmidt Conference
Goldschmidt Conference Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson will be attending The Goldschmidt Conference in Chicago later this month, from 18th – 23rd August. The Goldschmidt Conference is a significant international geochemistry meeting, jointly owned by the Geochemical...
Lynsey Wheeldon Profile
Lab Manager at Sercon Analytical, Lynsey Wheeldon, was always interested in science and nature as a child. Her career aspirations alternated between astronaut, palaeontologist, and vet! She finally settled on Biochemistry as a degree subject as it covered a broad...
Sercon Analytical Moves to Europa House
Sercon Analytical Moves to Europa House In the very first stage of Sercon’s move into Europa House, the Sercon Analytical lab has taken up residence in the newly refurbished building that will soon become Sercon’s Head office. As a growing business with a busy...
Queen Mary University
Queen Mary University Service Engineer Dave Harris visited the School of Biological & Behavioural Sciences at Queen Mary University, London recently to service an Integra2 (N&C) and an HS2022 & ANCA/GSL for Ian Sanders, Organismal Analytical Laboratories...
BOGS 2024 Live!
The British Organic Geochemistry Society (BOGS) Meeting 2024 has begun! On today and tomorrow at The University of Manchester, Sercon’s Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson are both at the event – if you’d like to talk to them about anything IRMS or stable isotope, just...
Medical Research at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto
Medical Research at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto The Medical Research team at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, is studying amino acid absorption in humans in famine conditions, using Sercon’s 20-20, Aqua and CETAC (being used for CO2 breath...
British Organic Geochemistry Society (BOGS) Meeting 2024
British Organic Geochemistry Society (BOGS) Meeting 2024 Next week sees the British Organic Geochemistry Society (BOGS) Meeting 2024 at the University of Manchester (11th and 12th July) and will be attended by Sercon’s Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson. This years’...
The Use of Stable Isotopes in Medical Sciences
The Use of Stable Isotopes in Medical Sciences As part of our ongoing programme of supporting many of the valuable Stable Isotope conferences around the world, we have just committed to attending the 1st International Conference on the Use of Stable Isotopes in...
New Building Update
New Building Update Sercon got the keys for its future premises at the end of April, and the refurbishment and reconfiguration for the company’s future needs is very nearly complete! Once occupied by Sercon’s forerunner Europa Scientific, Europa House future-proofs...
Oslo Service Visit
Oslo Service Visit For his first service visit in Scandinavia, Service and Installation Engineer Henry Cooke visited the Unger-Vetlesens Research Institute at Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykenhus in Olso. Our customer, Gunn Helen Malmstrøm, is engaged with biomedical...
Collaboration with BGS presented at SIMSUG
Collaboration with British Geological Society Collaborate. Innovate. Create. Sercon’s core values. Here’s an exciting example of how that translates into the real world – collaborations that make a real scientific impact: Dr Andi Smith, Stable Isotope Geochemist at...
ASITA2024 Social Programme
Lots of work and lots of play at ASITA 2024, in Halifax, Nova Scotia - organisers have put together an amazing social schedule to complement the hard work being done at the conference this year. Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson enjoyed yesterday's Banquet at the...
Simon Moseley, Installations and Service Manager at Sercon will be attending the 16th SIMSUG meeting with engineer James Hanson, being hosted by the stable isotope team at the British Geological Survey in Keyworth, Nottingham from midday on the 18th June to midday on...
Petrol-Gaz Conference 2024
Sercon’s agent in Poland, Labsolution, is a sponsor of the 19th Petrol-Gaz Conference 2024 next week, organised by PolLab Associacion. The Scientific and Technical Conference - XIX Discussion Forum "Challenges of petrochemical and gas laboratories in the light of the...
ASITA 2024
ASITA 2024 Dalhousie University in Halifax is where you’ll find Sercon’s Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson from Sunday 16th June to Wednesday 19th June, where they will be attending ASITA 2024. The?CERC.OCEAN?laboratory is hosting this year’s Advances in Stable Isotope...
Not a Solo Sport!
Not a Solo Sport! Before heading out to Romania for TRACE2024, Sercon’s Garry Armstrong was ‘encouraged’ to compete in England’s Strongest Master competition by our sponsored amateur strongman Matty Franklin. Matty was on the support crew for the competition, held at...
Research undertaken on Sercon equipment
Katja T. Rinne-Garmston presenting at TRACE 2024 on her paper “Drivers of intra-seasonal ?13 C signal in tree-rings of Pinus sylvestris as indicated by compound-specific and laser ablation isotope analysis” (see link to paper below) - research undertaken on Sercon...
Maximising instrument uptime with Sercon Service
Maximising instrument uptime with Sercon Service Unplanned instrument downtime is a challenge in today’s busy labs with project deadlines to be met. Regular instrument maintenance is crucial in minimising instrument breakdowns and foreseeing future issues before they...
TRACE 2024 – Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology
We’re really looking forward to attending TRACE 2024 next week – the annual meeting of the association for Tree-Ring Research Over the course of the week, we will be meeting with our collaborative partner for LAIRMS, Terra Analytic, who are also attending the...
Isomed Portugal PDZ Europa Upgrade
Isomed Portugal PDZ Europa Upgrade Isomed’s PDZ Europa ABCA, which has been running for around 20 years, needed new system electronics as well as a software upgrade and following discussions with our team, systems engineer James Hanson was tasked with the project in...
ANU Canberra Installation
ANU Canberra Installation Professor Stewart Fallon from world-leading Australian National University’s Research School of Earth Sciences has been involved with Sercon equipment for quite a few years, working on N & C samples on an HS2022 and GSL (a combustion EA...
Upgrading mid 1990’s EA-IRMS
Upgrading mid 1990’s EA-IRMS It’s always useful to understand how customers view what you see as core benefits and strong customer service. We already knew that our customers appreciate the backwards compatibility of all Sercon instruments but wanted to get a more...
Arnolds Amateur Strongman Championships 2024
Arnolds Amateur Strongman Championships 2024 We caught up with our sponsored amateur strongman athlete Matty Franklin as he returned from his first international competition in the US, the Arnold Amateur Strongman Championships. In summary, wow, what an amazing...
Sercon Goes Back To The Future
Sercon was starting to outgrow its current site in Crewe Trading Park even before the addition of the samples lab that operates as Sercon Analytical. And as demand for our IRMS instruments and consumables from academic and commercial sectors around the world continues...
Further Service Team Expansion
Further Service Team Expansion We recently introduced Henry Cook as a new member of our service team. Another recent addition is Aoife Davies Gardner, who has already been with the business for 2 months. With a degree in Forensic Science and a masters in Analytical...
Expanding Sercon’s Service Team
Expanding Sercon’s Service Team As demand for Sercon’s IRMS products and services continues to grow, the Service team has also grown to ensure the business can continue to provide first rate maintenance, service and upgrades to its customers worldwide. Since joining...
Basis Symposium 25th and 26th April
Basis Symposium Planning to attend the BASIS2024 symposium at the Amsterdam Science Park Congress centre on 25th and 26th April? Business Development Manager Mark Gibson and Director Garry Armstrong will both be in attendance and will meet with several customers as...
CERBA Instrument Relocation
Cerba Instrument Relocation Systems Engineer James Hanson recently supported a customer with the relocation and reinstallation of their entire suite of ABCA systems to a new lab space to carry out their very high demand for 13C breath analysis. Cerba’s move to its new...
Sercon at UKAS
Sercon’s Garry Armstrong and Mark Gibson are delighted to be representing the business at UK Archaeological Sciences (UKAS) 2024 Conference at the University of York from today until Friday 5th April. Held in the Spring Lane Building in one of the University's best...
Sercon Analytical Up To Speed in Just 4 Days!
Sercon Analytical Up To Speed in Just 4 Days! It didn’t take long for the team at recently formed Sercon Analytical to get the new lab set up and fully functional, from scratch and running test batches in just four days! In the new operation’s opening week the first...
Servicing a 34 year old IRMS in Helsinki
Servicing a 34 year old IRMS in Helsinki Tvarminne Zoological Station (University of Helsinki) is a remote research station near Hanko, Finland, running various marine and costal N&C analysis using a very old (upgraded) IRMS called a Tracer Mass and GSL system....
Introducing Sercon Analytical
Introducing Sercon Analytical Following the members voluntary liquidation of the well-respected service lab Iso-Analytical an opportunity to continue the support of the Isotope community and build on over 20 years of Isotope analysis experience has been realised with...
Where in the World February 2024
Where in the World has Sercon Spent February? Our service, maintenance, upgrade and installation teams do a lot of travelling to customer sites around the world – as do our business development people! Use this interactive map to see what we’ve been doing – and...
Food Standards Congress, Turkey
Food Chemistry Congress Tacettin Öztürk Sales Manager at Lita Analitik in Turkey, will be attending this week’s 3rd International Food Chemistry Congress, taking place in Antalya, Turkey, which will cover all aspects of food technology, microbiology and quality. Lita...
Good Luck Matty
Good Luck Matty As the big competition approaches, we caught up with our sponsored amateur strongman athlete Matty Franklin as he makes his final preparations for his first international competition in the US, the Arnold Amateur Strongman Championships. Training...
New US Agent
We are delighted to announce that we have a new International Sales Agent covering the USA. USA Analytical Technologies, Inc. is a California based company that provides elemental analysis consumables, products and technical support to the plant & soil science...
PAK Pharma & Healthcare Expo
PAK Pharma & Healthcare H.A. Shah & Sons, Sercon Agent in Pakistan, will be attending this week’s Pak Pharma and Healthcare Expo at Expo Centre Lahore from Wednesday 21st to Thursday 22nd February. The exhibition covers pharmaceutical machines, API, and lab...
Instrument Relocation in Peru
Systems Engineer James Hanson has been back to South America to take care of Stage One of a major instrument move in Arequipa, Peru. The Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa (UNSA) is relocating its Stable Isotopes Laboratory, and James spent a week testing...
Su Rotheram Profile
As we all approach the start of the scientific community’s conference and events season, Sercon’s Su Rotheram is working on all the behind the scenes preparation needed for Director Garry Armstrong and Business Development Manager Mark Gibson to make the most of every...
Where in the World January 2024
Where in the World has Sercon Spent January? Our service, maintenance, upgrade and installation teams do a lot of travelling to customer sites around the world - as do our business development people! Use this interactive map to see what we've been doing - and...
Strongman Sponsorship
Never a business to shirk the heavy lifting, Sercon are helping an amateur strongman athlete with some sponsorship this season particularly to help him with his first international competition in the US, the Arnold Amateur Strongman Championships. In December, as part...
Ohio State University Installation
Ohio State University Installation The Lal Carbon Center at Ohio State University plan to use their new Sercon INTEGRA2, recently installed by Senior Engineer Dave Harris, for agricultural testing purposes. Mainly looking at 15N and 13C data via combustion but also,...
20th International Symposium on Isotope Ecology And Environmental Sciences
Sercon’s agent in South Korea, Saram, is sponsoring the 20th International Symposium on Isotope Ecology And Environmental Sciences at Hanyang University in Erica, Korea. The event runs from Jan 23rd – 24th at the Conference Hall at the University and is organised by...
Five Ways Backward Compatibility Helps the Environment
Five Ways Backward Compatibility Helps the Environment We talked about backward compatibility earlier in the week, together with its research and cost benefits. But there’s more – here’s at least five good reasons why backward compatibility in both software and...
Backward Compatibility and Why it Matters
Science is all about moving forwards, so why does backwards compatibility really matter to the scientific community? Backward Compatibility and Why it Matters As researchers continue to push the barriers of known science, Sercon continues to incrementally develop...
Rob Kameny Profile
Rob Kameny Profile Czech national and Systems Engineer Robert Kameny adeptly oversees the needs of Sercon's European clientele from our operational hub in Prague, serving as the linchpin for Sercon Europe. His story and career path are more unusual than many. Rob left...
FDA approval for Sercon’s ABCA2
FDA approval for Sercon’s ABCA2 We’ve just received our renewal of FDA approval for Sercon’s ABCA2 automated breath 13CO2 analyser. MD Mark O’Connor is proud of the achievement: “The ABCA2 is the only FDA approved, high performance IRMS instrument with large sample...
IRMS Installation Ankara University
IRMS Installation Ankara University Earth Science Applications and Research Centre (YEBIM) in Ankara University in Turkey has a brand new HS2022 IRMS and PyroEarth system, installed by Sercon Europe’s Systems Engineer Rob Kameny, alongside the Lita Analitik team – our...
2024 Outlook
2024 Outlook Happy New Year! It’s that time of year where everyone gets out their crystal balls and speculates about what’s going to happen in the rest of this brand new year. That’s not the Sercon way. We are all about the science (specifically the isotopes) and long...
Thank You for 2023!
Thank You for 2023! We would like to mark the end of December and the approaching end of 2023 with a big “Thank You” to all those we have had the pleasure of working with this year; we look forward to continuing to support you and many more in 2024. Tomorrow (Thursday...
Sercon History – Up to Date!
Sercon History - Up to Date! To bring the company’s history up to date from 2004 where we left off last month, three years after Sercon was conceived in 2001 as a support company for the Europa community: In a busy 2005 we started our own development programme,...
Simon Moseley Profile
Engineering – particularly on the electrical side – has always been one of Installation and Service Manager Simon Moseley’s interests. He initially studied engineering at college before joining Sercon on an Advanced Apprenticeship in engineering and manufacturing. A...
Chilesaurus Laser Sampling!
The second Leg of Systems Engineer James Hanson’s Chilean roadtrip took him to the Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), a private University in Viña del Mar. The visit was for the installation of a multi-prep suite of Sercon instruments in the Isotope Analysis Lab to...
Traceability in Cotton Supply Chain
Tracing the cotton supply chain is vital for fashion brands whose sustainability credentials are part of their social impact programmes. Sercon is proud to work with Oritain, leaders in using forensic science to combat supply chain fraud to help brands like Primark...
Chile Road Trip – Copper Mining Industry
Chile Road Trip – the Copper Mining Industry There is no better illustration of Sercon’s global capabilities than the Chilean roadtrip recently undertaken by System Engineer James Hanson. Over a four week period, James covered over two thousand miles along the west...
About Garry Armstrong
About Garry Armstrong If you know Sercon Instruments, you’ll know Garry Armstrong – but how much do you really know about this company director? What you learn here may surprise you in places! Garry came to Sercon from an engineering and service background, but that...
Honey Adulteration Lab Service
Service engineer Dave Harris visited the Interfind laboratory to service a Sercon Integra2 combined benchtop integrated EA-IRMS in Thessaloniki last week. Melinda Ltd combines has combined traditional beekeeping techniques with the most state-of-the-art facilities in...
ABCA Used for Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis Research
Service Engineer James Hanson has just been to Southampton General Hospital and performed a successful dual turbo upgrade and full service on a Sercon ABCA system being used by Dr Paul Afolabi in the Mass Spectrometry Lab. Dr Paul Afolabi will use the Sercon ABCA...
Sercon History – into the 1990s
Last month, we went back to the 70’s and 80’s to the very roots of modern day Sercon, today, we’re moving on to the 90’s and early noughties. In 1990 Europa Scientific, forerunners of Sercon, were awarded their first Queen’s Award For Export Excellence and moved into...
Servicing in Potsdam
Service PM Dave Harris is at the AWI institute Alfred Wenger Institute in Potsdam this week, where he has been servicing a Sercon HS2022 IRMS for Andreas Marent. The HS2022 is the most sensitive small radius IRMS in the world. Combining superior analytical performance...