Sercon was starting to outgrow its current site in Crewe Trading Park even before the addition of the samples lab that operates as Sercon Analytical. And as demand for our IRMS instruments and consumables from academic and commercial sectors around the world continues to grow MD Mark O’Connor has been working on a solution that will future-proof the business well through it’s next stage of growth.

Less than a mile from the existing site is Europa House – a standalone commercial building once occupied by Sercon’s forerunner Europa Scientific. Europa House is perfect for Sercon’s developing needs, as Mark explains: “Larger than where the business is at the moment, the layout means the business has vastly more space.” He continues “Collaboration and innovation are at the heart of our business so the ability to create larger open plan working areas for our teams will further encourage this; expanded workspaces for each part of the business – all on one level – and the design of the building provides daylight wherever you are, allowing us to offer a much more pleasant working environment.”

The new facilities offer plentiful parking for visiting agents, customers and collaborators as well as staff, who will  also benefit from plenty of outdoor space in the summer as well as conservatory and patio!

Having picked up the keys a few weeks ago, works are already well under way to configure the building to Sercon’s growing needs. New wiring, carpets and gas lines for testing machinery, and large doors to facilitate easy moving of instruments are all in hand. “Inevitably, as a business grows, things get shoehorned into spaces that aren’t always ideal,” concluded Mark. “When we move into Europa House later in the summer, it will be into a spacious building that has been designed exactly to our needs, providing a more efficient and pleasant working environment where we can continue to grow.”