Expanding Sercon’s Service Team

As demand for Sercon’s IRMS products and services continues to grow, the Service team has also grown to ensure the business can continue to provide first rate maintenance, service and upgrades to its customers worldwide. Since joining Sercon’s service team a month ago, Henry Cooke is loving everything about his new role, and after a month’s intensive training is still finding mass spectrometry fascinating.

Henry undertook his Masters in Chemistry at the University of York. It included an industrial placement year in the Pharmaceutical sector where an analytical focus and working with mass spectrometry captured his imagination.

The day to day reality of Sercon’s service team is very much hands on, and while he is learning at pace, Henry is enjoying the practical aspects of his new role.

What has surprised him most is the number and variety of applications for mass spectrometry he is discovering as he learns – a real eye opener!

Henry believes his background in chemistry will be a great asset, both in lab safety and in communicating with customers. This is the part of the job he is looking forward to most : “The opportunity to see science and chemistry in action in such a wide range of different labs around the world is very exciting; I’m really looking forward to my first service trip with a colleague next month.”

Of course the travelling, which given the worldwide presence Sercon has built is an essential part of the role, is also attractive. Between concluding his Masters and starting work, Henry has spent time travelling in Peru, which has whetted his appetite for seeing more of the world, certainly something the Sercon Service Engineer role will deliver on!