Systems Engineer James Hanson has been back to South America to take care of Stage One of a major instrument move in Arequipa, Peru.

The Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa (UNSA) is relocating its Stable Isotopes Laboratory, and James spent a week testing all their Sercon systems to confirm functionality before decommissioning all the equipment ready for installation in the new labs a short walk away.

UNSA’s system comprises of a HTEA, HS2022, isoEArth+, CryoFlex and TOC IRMS. Dr Juan Lopa is in charge of the lab, assisted by his very capable lab tech Gina. Their work includes studying C, N, O and H in a variety of sample materials to monitor and evaluate environmental risks in the Arequipa region.

Overseas trips are interesting for our teams for more than just the projects involved. For James, this was a week of interesting food, including Guinea Pig, Alpaca and Lungs… combined with evening strolls and dinner in the old city of Arequipa.

“Truly a bustling city, full of markets and hidden alleyways with authentic restaurants,” he commented. “Can’t wait to go back for the reinstallation stage in March.”