Servicing a 34 year old IRMS in Helsinki

Tvarminne Zoological Station (University of Helsinki) is a remote research station near Hanko, Finland, running various marine and costal N&C analysis using a very old (upgraded) IRMS called a Tracer Mass and GSL system.

These pictures were taken by senior engineer Dave Harris when he visited to service the Tracer Mass.

This instrument, which came from the Europa Scientific days, originally shipped in 1990. It had its first electronics upgrade in 2013, by Sercon’s Steve Bennett, and is still going strong nearly 35 years after it was first commissioned!

Dave is pictured below, as is the lab manager Janna Koistinen, the site itself as well as the equipment. The team looked after Dave well, though the dip in the sea after communal sauna night was a bit of a shock – it was -14C at the time!