Season’s greetings from Sercon HQ!

Season’s greetings from Sercon HQ!

Season’s greetings from everyone at Sercon to all of our customers, collaborators, suppliers and everyone in the worldwide isotope community. Thanks for a great year. We’ll be back on 3rd Jan with a new look web site, new applications notes describing the...
The ABCA2’s role in early detection of liver damage

The ABCA2’s role in early detection of liver damage

One of the scientists using Sercon’s ABCA2 at Southampton General Hospital is hopeful the technique he has developed will help in the prevention of liver damage and type 2 diabetes in a world where obesity is causing ever more health problems. Dr Paul Afolabi,...


Well what a week in San Francisco! The Sercon booth, newly decorated with penguins, hosted a number a great discussions about scientific developments and potential future collaborations, the Sercon penguin went on a tour round the exhibit hall, we learnt a lot from...